Ana Torres

Photo of Ana Torres

Ana Torres, CLCS

Department:   Personal Lines
Insurance Specialist
Phone:   (336) 355-5371
Fax:   (336) 355-5371

Since joining the Art Martinez Insurance agency in the fall of 2006, Ana has displayed her versatility and expertise by working with both personal and commercial lines of insurance. Her experience in this field for over a decade demonstrates her knowledge and proficiency in navigating the intricacies of insurance policies and providing clients with the best coverage options tailored to their specific needs. Ana's commitment to her work and dedication to serving her clients is a testament to her elevated level of professionalism and customer service.

In addition to Ana's commitment to the insurance industry, she is deeply involved in the Randolph County community. From Girl Scout's of America, Randolph Arts Guild, to Young Life she is able to pursue these passions along with her daughter, Mia. In addition to these interest, Ana also serves on the Board for Randolph/Asheboro Chamber of Commerce.

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