Karen Elliott

Photo of Karen Elliott

Karen Elliott, CIC,CPIW,CISR

Department:   Health, Life, Retirement
Health Insurance Advisor
Phone:   (336) 660-2439
Fax:   (336) 660-2439

Karen's wealth of experience spanning over 30 years in the insurance industry, particularly in group benefits, individual health plans, and Medicare services, underscores her dedication to providing personalized and comprehensive services to her clients. Her commitment to serving their unique needs is evident in her specialized expertise in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans, highlighting her deep understanding and commitment to ensuring her clients receive the best coverage. As a customer of Karen's, you can anticipate receiving an annual review and commitment that ensures you are consistently provided with the best service and plan to meet your needs. Karen's deep roots in Randolph County underline her strong ties to the community, further emphasizing her trustworthy and reliable nature. Beyond her professional pursuits, Karen's passions for singing in her church's choir, horseback riding, and spending time with her family add a personal touch to her well-rounded character.

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