Matthew Smith

Photo of Matthew Smith

Matthew Smith, CPCU, CIC, ASLI, TRA

Department:   Commercial Lines
Commercial Insurance Specialist
Phone:   (336) 790-1591
Fax:   (336) 790-1591

Matthew's focused career in business insurance began in 1984 in Richmond, VA working for insurance companies in underwriting and management positions. He then spent three years managing an insurance brokerage office in Springfield, MO before moving to Asheboro at the end of 1996. Beginning with Family & Business Insurance, he is now employed by Insurance Associates of the Triad. Matthew helps area businesses to find the best insurance programs for their operations by exploring the constantly changing insurance markets. His knowledge of both standard and specialty insurance facilities can help ensure that his customers are paying only for the coverage they decide they need, at a price that is fair and with insurance companies that will be there when you need them.

The most helpful attribute Matthew brings to your business is his ability to explain the options you have in terms you can understand. He will work so that you have the information you need to make your own informed insurance decisions. Matthew's background working for insurance companies can be a great asset in negotiations for audits, claims, renewals, and policy changes as they occur - An advocate you need to help with when problems arise!

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